Happy Birthday Benny!

Dear Benny,

WOW! Today you turn 5 years old. What a big day this is. I must tell you that as soon as I started writing this, I starting smiling. That’s what happens whenever I think about you or see you. There is just something about you that makes people smile. From the first time I met you, I have seen that you have a compassionate heart and a smile that causes people to fall immediately in love with you. You are definitely one of a kind.

This has been an eventful year for you. Your little brother Isaac made his appearance in January. You are a wonderful big brother and Isaac is going to be so lucky to have you around to show him all things he needs to know about being a boy. You love to play outside and you have a great imagination. Whether you are a pirate sailing the seven seas or an explorer learning about volcanoes and lava — you are boy through and through.

I chose this picture because first it makes me smile but second look who is photobombing us. YEP..it’s Ellie! She just loves to play jokes on you and is always trying to find a way to pull the attention away from you. That’s what “older sisters” do — just ask Uncle D about that. Your momma did the same thing to him when he was younger. Don’t worry about it though — Ellie loves you and she’s just fooling around. She’s a great big sister and you are blessed to have her in your corner. You’ve learned to play jokes on her too so she is getting as good as she gives — as it should be.

You LOVE Paw Patrol! I like that show too. Whenever we talk, you love to tell me about their latest adventures. Your favorite characters are Ryder and Chase. My favorite is Rubble. Remember this…”No job is too big, no pup is too small!” That little saying helps me when I get discouraged and I’m trying to do something I’ve never done before. It may take you and me a little longer, but DON’T GIVE UP — you can do it.

In the fall you will start kindergarten. That is hard for me to believe. It seems like you were born yesterday and here you are getting ready to start school. I know you will do GREAT in school. You are already so excited about it! You love to learn and I believe you are going to be a very good student. I can’t wait to hear all about the fun things you are going to learn in school.

When we are in the car, you like to listen to music. I love music too. One of your favorite songs is from the movie Encanto! It’s called “Under the Surface.” When it comes on, you sing out loud! Here are some of the lyrics of that song…

“I’m the strong one, I’m not nervous
I’m as tough as the crust of the Earth is
I move mountains, I move churches
And I glow, ’cause I know what my worth is
I don’t ask how hard the work is
Got a rough indestructible surface
Diamonds and platinum, I find ’em, I flatten ’em
I take what I’m handed, I break what’s demanded”

While not all of that song describes you — I think some of these words certainly describe the young man you are becoming. You are ready to do whatever needs to be done. You are strong and indestructible! I love that about you. I hope you will always have confidence to take risks and do whatever God has prepared for you to do.

Speaking of that, I LOVE the fact that you like to try and read your Bible. You like for mom, dad, Ellie, Poppo or Nanna to read to you. You love going to your church and learning about the Bible characters and their stories. One Sunday this past year, you visited my church and the teacher that day told me you knew the Bible story better than anybody else in the room! That made me so happy.

The Bible is the most important and precious book in our lives. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is II Timothy 3:16-17. It says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Many years ago, I was listening to one of my favorite Bible teachers (Dr. Warren Weirsbe) teach this passage. While he was teaching he said something I wrote in my Bible and it has helped me so much over the last 40 years of my ministry. Dr. Weirsbe quoted verse 16 this way… “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God (GOD-BREATHED), and is profitable for doctrine (WHAT’S RIGHT), for reproof (WHAT’S NOT RIGHT), for correction (HOW TO GET RIGHT), for instruction in righteousness (HOW TO STAY RIGHT).

Benny, you can ALWAYS trust the Bible. It is the Word of God. And every word of the Bible will help you do what God has planned for your life. I don’t know what that plan is, but I do know that if you will listen to God in His Word — He will reveal it to you. Always follow Him — listen to Him and do what He tells you to do. You can’t go wrong if you follow God’s Word.

As you grow older, I pray that you will come to love God’s Word even more than you do now. Nanna and I pray for you. We pray that you will listen to God’s voice and that you will do whatever He asks you to do. We believe that God has great things planned for you and we can’t wait to see what that is.

We hope you have a wonderful birthday. Always remember that Nanna and Poppo love you very much. There is nothing you will ever do that will stop us from loving you. We may not always agree with the choices you make, but we will NEVER stop loving you! Happy 5th birthday Bizzy! I hope it’s the best one yet.

