Happy Birthday Little Bit

Dear Harper,

Happy 7th birthday Little Bit! You’ve been looking forward to this one for a while. Your birthday is the last one on the calendar of the 6 (soon to be 7) grandchildren. You have patiently waited “your turn” and we are finally here. These seven years have passed quickly (for me at least) and it seems like it was just yesterday that I was gingerly holding you for the first time. You love for me to tell the story of how I was a little “afraid” to hold you at first. Hudson had been such a BIG baby and now we had this little petite baby and I was afraid I was going to break you in half. That’s why I gave you the name “Little Bit.”

Over the last year, you completed kindergarten and have now started first grade. Within the first week, the first grade teachers at your school chose you for their “PAWSitivity” award. That didn’t surprise any of us because we have see your positive attitude and sweet disposition displayed every day of your life. I was thinking this morning that your daddy was almost in high school before I ever heard him raise his voice in frustration or anger. The same is true of you — no matter the situation, you adapt and enjoy the moment. At this point, I don’t remember ever seeing you actually MAD about anything. You have a very even-tempered personality.

Your life changed quite a bit this year with the addition of THE TWINS! Until they were born, you were the baby in your family and you enjoyed that! Now, we have the girls and they take up a lot of time and energy from everybody. You have handled that new role very well. There are still times when you need some extra attention from Poppo and with your long legs and arms, you plop yourself right down in my lap and remind me that those babies aren’t the only ones who like to sit in Poppo’s lap. Hadlee doesn’t always like for you to do that — but you give her “the look” and say, “You are going to have to wait your turn little lady.” I hope you will always do that because Poppo LOVES it when you want to sit in my lap and just talk about what’s going on with you.

You are losing teeth and right now are my favorite snaggled-tooth redhead! You love to ride your bike and you still enjoy playing with dolls. You are open to trying new things — especially food and you take pride in not being “a picky eater” like some other people we know but won’t name.

I’ve always believed that birth order plays an important role in the development of our personalities. You are what we call “the middle child.” Usually…but not always…the older child is very strong-willed and assertive. In our family, Hudson sure fits that description doesn’t he? I have to remind him from time to time to let you talk and answer questions and express your own thoughts. THE TWINS are the babies and they require extra attention. And they will always be the babies of the family. That leaves you — right smack-dab in the middle. Some people will tell you that is not a good place to be, but I completely disagree.

Middle children are usually diplomatic (they maintain the peace between older and younger siblings), they are nurturing, generous, funny and competitive. Those things certainly describe your personality at this point. No matter the situation, you are able to get all sides to work together and play well with each other. I saw that demonstrated this summer when your cousins came to visit. You took charge and made sure everyone was included and that everyone got a turn doing what they wanted to do. You have always loved playing with dolls and being a “mommy” to them. That nurturing part of your personality is such a sweet part of who you are. Over the last year, your sense of humor has developed and now you have me laughing out loud at so many of the things you say.

Your competitive nature is coming to the forefront as well. You want to see how many pushups you can do — and you even have developed the ability to do one-arm pushups! It’s pretty impressive. You challenge me to do that — knowing full well I can’t do a regular pushup much less one-armed! One of our favorite games is played while riding in the car. I put on Disney songs and you and Hudson see who can name the movie the song came from. Until recently, he has been faster to name the song — but you have been practicing and just last week — you won your first competition!

Some times, middle children believe that they are forgotten in the family. The oldest child is up-front and in your face and the babies are…well…”the babies.” I promise you that we will all do our best to always make sure you are seen and heard. If you ever feel that we are neglecting you because of the others — you need to speak up — let us know — “HEY! I’M OVER HERE AND I NEED A LITTLE ATTENTION!”

The last thing I want you to remember is that no matter what happens in family life, God NEVER forgets where you are. He doesn’t see us as first-born or middle child or baby. He sees you as you. He created you to be exactly who you are and He created you with the exact personality He wanted you to have. One of my favorite Bible verses is found in Joshua 1:9. It says, “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

As always…I may not agree with every decision you make in your life, BUT there is absolutely nothing you could ever do to make me stop loving you. Nanna and I will always be in your corner cheering you on and helping you accomplish whatever God has designed for you to do.

I’m excited to see what great things you will do in the year ahead. I love you Little Bit — you will always be MY FAVORITE RED HEAD!

