Welcome to the Club!

Dear Hadlee and Holland,

My name is POPPO and I would like to officially welcome you to my little club. This is a very exclusive club and up until now we have only had 4 official members. Our club was established in June 2014 when your brother Hudson became the first member. Since then, by decree of the Grand Potentate (that’s me by the way), Harper, Ellie and Benjamin have been added to our ranks. On Wednesday, August 24, the two of you were initiated into our ranks as full member with all the privileges that come with membership.

We have all been anxiously awaiting your arrival. Ever since we found out we would gain TWO new members at once, we have been SO EXCITED. We’ve never had twins in our family before so we get TWICE the blessing with the two of you.

One of the “benefits” of being a part of our little club is that you have to have your own nickname. There’s Scooter, Little Bit, PunkinDoodle and Bizzy. I must tell you, coming up with nicknames for you two has been quite the ordeal. I thought about rhyming nicknames since you are twins — Frick and Frack –that surely wouldn’t work. I remembered my favorite cartoon when I was a child. There were two little mice named Pixie and Dixie. No… that just wouldn’t do. So I have thought and thought but I have finally decided on what Poppo is going to call you.

Hadlee, your nickname is going to be SweetPea. I just think that fits what I have seen of your little personality so far. Holland, your nickname is going to be ButterCup. That’s my favorite flower so I decided to use that for you.

In addition to getting a nickname, I will write you a letter on your birthday reminding you of the fun things that have happened in your life over the last year, fun things you have done with Poppo and Nanna, and maybe sharing some life advice that I think might be helpful as you grow up.

Right now, here’s all you need to know. Your momma and daddy, Nanna and Poppo, Nonnie and Poppie, and your aunts and uncles all love you very, very much. We are all here to protect you and help you grow into the young ladies God has created you to be. We will all be your loudest cheerleaders.

The moment you were born, I stopped and prayed for you. I asked God to bless you with health and grace throughout your life. As much as I love you, God loves you even more. As you grow and are able to understand, we will always share with you just how much God loves you. No matter where you go or what you do, God’s love never changes. The Bible tells us that He never leaves us and He never forsakes us. Always remember that.

Now, one last thing I want to tell you. Poppo will always love you. I may not always agree with the choices you make in your life, but I want you to always remember that there is NOTHING you can ever do that would cause me to stop loving you. Nanna and I are always here for you to help you and encourage you and love you. You can always count on us!

With all that being said, this concludes your welcome into my little club. I know we are going to have so much fun. I can’t wait to see how you grow and mature over your life. You will always be my little SweetPea and ButterCup! I love you so much.



Happy Birthday PunkinDoodle: Put On a Happy Face

Dear PunkinDoodle,

Happy 5th birthday today (8/21/22). I’m beginning to feel like I’m writing these letters every other day. Just like your brother and cousins, you are growing up way to fast for me! In fact, in just a few days, you are going to start school! You are going to LOVE kindergarten. I know you are a little nervous right now, but within a few hours of being there, I’m sure you will be having a ball and loving every minute. You will meet new friends and learn new things. It’s going to be a great year.

This past year has been full of fun. We went to the beach in May to celebrate Benny’s birthday and Nanna & Poppo’s wedding anniversary. We had so much fun. My favorite part was the day you decided you just wanted to take a little “rest” with Poppo and we sat under the umbrella — just me and you. We also took a trip to the North Carolina Zoo. I think we walked 1,000 miles that day but we saw our favorite animals and just had a fun time.

You are riding your bicycle WITHOUT any training wheels and you are the perfect model for your momma’s photography business. When you become famous, don’t forget ME! Every time I look at you, I see your momma when she was your age. For a few minutes, I’m not an old Poppo, but a young daddy just learning what it means to love his little girl.

When I was a little boy, Granny used to sing a song to me. It’s called “Put On a Happy Face” and was sung by Dick Van Dyke in a movie called “Bye Bye Birdie.” Here are the words…

Gray skies are gonna clear up,
Put on a happy face;
Brush off the clouds and cheer up,
Put on a happy face.
Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy,
It’s not your style
You’ll look so good that you’ll be glad
Ya’ decide to smile!

Pick out a pleasant outlook,
Stick out that noble chin;
Wipe off that “full of doubt” look,
Slap on a happy grin!
And spread sunshine all over the place,
Just put on a happy face!

And if you’re feeling cross and bitterish
Don’t sit and whine
Think of banana split and licorice
And you’ll feel fine
I knew a girl so glooming
She’d never laugh or sing
She wouldn’t listen to me
Now she’s a mean old thing

So spread sunshine all over the place
Just put on a happy face
So, put on a happy face.

I’ve been thinking about this song a lot lately. 2022 has not been all fun and games for us. Like so many other families, we’ve had our share of trials and difficulty. That’s just a part of life. EVERYBODY has trouble. The important lesson is how we RESPOND to those troubles. Life is sometimes scary. We don’t know what’s going to happen next and we often don’t understand why things happen the way they do. I just want to remind you that when things like that happen in our lives, we need to TRUST GOD and PUT ON A HAPPY FACE!

I love the line in that song that says, “So spread sunshine all over the place.” That’s exactly what you do for me. Whenever I see you or talk to you on the phone, I feel like sunshine just fills the room. God has given you the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen — just like your Nanna and your momma. When I look into those eyes, I see unconditional trust and love. I see a beautiful young girl who is going to grow up to do remarkable things.

So as we celebrate this 5th birthday, let’s make a pact — you and me. Whenever we have a bad day or when we have to do something new (like start school), we will TRUST GOD and then “stick out that noble chin” and “spread sunshine all over the place.” This old world we live in needs A LOT more of that and I believe you have the gift of doing just that.

Remember, Nanna and Poppo love you no matter what. Nothing you will ever do can change that. No matter what happens in our lives, God loves us and will never leave us. He will always take care of us. TRUST HIM. I’ve got a feeling year 5 is going to be an eventful year — so Put On a Happy Face! I love you PunkinDoodle.
