Dear PunkinDoodle: Can we make time slow down?

Dear PunkinDoodle,

Today (August 21) is your 4th birthday. Can we make time slow down a little PLEASE? I know you think time moves pretty slowly, but I can assure you that for me…it is flying by at supersonic speed. Every time I look at you, I see you momma and remember her growing up way too fast also.

This has been a fun year for us. From spending Christmas 2020 at my house and it snowing on Christmas Eve to our family beach trip in May and then a visit to Santa Land in the summer, we have had some great adventures and Nanna and I cherish every minute we get to spend with you, your brother and cousins. Throughout this year, I’ve continued to watch your personality begin to shine brighter and brighter. I chose three little pictures of you just to remind me how much fun you are. There is never a time when we talk that I don’t have a good belly laugh because of you.

Technology is not always a good thing, but I can tell you this…I LOVE FACETIME! It enables Nanna and me to see you as your grow and to celebrate achievements with you that we might not otherwise get to do. Every time we talk, you either make funny faces at me (see picture above) or you have a joke to tell me. Your favorite joke so far has been…”Poppo, knock-knock.” “Who’s there?” “Interrupting cow. (giggle)” “Interrupting c…” “MOOOOOOO!!!!!!” (Hysterical laughter) “Get it, Poppo? Isn’t that funny?” And guess what? It is just as funny the 500th time as it was the very first time because of how funny YOU think it is.

Another favorite thing you like to do is read to me. You often call and read me a princess story but your favorite thing to do is read from the Bible to me. You don’t quite know the words just yet — BUT you know the message of the Bible. Every time you read from the Bible, you quickly get to the part where “Jesus died on the cross and rose again the third day.” And that’s the very best part! I’m so glad you enjoy reading the Bible and telling Bible stories. The Bible tells us parents and grandparents that if we will raise up our children in the ways of God that you won’t wander away from it as you grow older. I know that doesn’t always happen, but I sure do believe that when parents do that, there is a much higher likelihood that their children will follow Jesus later in life. I pray that you ALWAYS love the Bible and Jesus. I have spent almost 40 years now trying to teach people to love God and His Word.

As usual, there are some not so good things happening in the world around us as we celebrate your birthday. There are many people around the world today who are going to die for no other reason than they love and serve Jesus. Those people are true heroes to me. They are willing to give their lives because they love Jesus so much. I pray that you and I never have to do that — but I pray that if we do, we will stand as strong and tall as those around the world who are doing that now.

As I think about you and your cousin Harper, I’m thankful that you girls are growing up in America. I realize that we are not perfect, but I still believe this is the greatest country in the world and living here gives you the best chance to grow up to be WHATEVER you want to be. In many places around the world, girls and women are abused and treated badly simply because they are women. They can’t go to school and they are not allowed to choose the profession they would like. That makes me very sad.

You started pre-school this past week. Along with other little boys and girls, you are going to learn about all kinds of things that you could do in this world. Maybe you will be a doctor or a scientist. Maybe God will call you to be a missionary to a far-away place. Maybe you will be a wife and mommy and take care of your family. Whatever you choose to do, I pray that you will follow God’s leadership and that you will not allow others to try and keep you from your dreams. Always know that Poppo and Nanna as well as your mom and dad are ALWAYS in your corner cheering you on to become whatever God calls you to be.

I look forward to this year as I watch you grow and mature. I know God has great things in store for you and I know you are going to rise to the challenge. Whatever happens in this world there are two things you can ALWAYS be sure of. First…GOD LOVES YOU — He always has and He always will. He loves you more than anybody here could ever love you. Run to Him with everything — He will never leave you. Second…POPPO loves you. I started loving you before you ever even knew who I was. From the minute your momma told me she was going to have a baby, I fell head-over-heels in love with you (and with your brother and cousins too). That’s what a Poppo does. There is NOTHING you could ever do to make me not love you. I won’t always agree with everything you do…but I will ALWAYS be in your corner cheering you on and loving you with all my heart.

Happy birthday PunkinDoodle! I hope year 4 is as special as the others have been. I can’t wait to see what adventures we can get into this year.

