Happy Birthday Scooter: A Decade of Absolute JOY!

Dear Scooter,

Happy 10th birthday. You’ve finally reached double digits. I know you think that is a BIG DEAL, but I’m here to tell you it ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. You will be in double digits now for a very LONG time! But congratulations on this milestone. It doesn’t seem possible.

On June 22, 2014, I was preparing to get up to preach after having spent the entire night at the hospital waiting for you to get here. I had my phone on the pew beside me waiting for the word that you had arrived. I was standing and singing when a young lady tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at my phone. She was sitting behind me and had seen that I had a message. I looked and sure enough, Nanna had texted to say — HE’S HERE and he’s healthy! Tears came in my eyes as I paused and thanked God. I had no idea then what the next 10 years would hold.

I have known for a long time that I was created by God to be a grandfather. Deep down in my heart, I just knew that when grandchildren came, it would be the greatest time of my life. I always wanted to be called Papa — but of course YOU had another idea. Since the oldest grandchild gets to determine what grandparents will be called, you decided I would be POPPO! I LOVE my name. There are plenty of Papas out there, but I’m the only POPPO that I know. These last 10 years have been some of the most fun times of my life. Starting with you and then adding Harper, Ellie, Benny, Hadlee, Holland and Isaac — I thank God every day that He chose me to be your POPPO!

We’ve shared many adventures over these last 10 years — going to movies, playing putt-putt, going to the arcade, driving go-carts and going to baseball games. You love doing these things with the other grandkids, but you also remind me occasionally that you would like to have just a “Hudson-Poppo Day.” That makes my heart happy. I try and do as many things with all of you as possible, but I also like it when I can have special one-on-one time with each of you (that’s hard to do with the TWINS). All 7 of you are such a special part of my life and I want to cherish every minute because you all are growing up way too fast for my liking! Are you actually POSITIVE that you are 10 YEARS OLD? I may need to recheck that birth certificate.

I’ve not been able to influence ALL of your sports choices — but I have managed to turn you into a Yankees fan! Our favorite Yankee right now is Aaron Judge. He’s a beast! In addition to that, I’ve enjoyed watching you play baseball this year. It cost me a little money because I have a bad habit of making deals with you that end up costing me more than I expect. As you know, I always wanted to play baseball and there were only two things that prevented me from doing that — opportunity and talent! I wasn’t very good — but you are quite good and we all enjoy watching you play.

The greatest thing that happened to me this past year was when I was privileged to baptize you. The pastor at your church graciously allowed me to come and perform your baptism. I baptized your daddy and your Aunt Deeves and now you. I pray that I will have the opportunity again to celebrate with your sisters and cousins as they surrender their lives to follow Jesus. Nanna and I pray every day that our children and grandchildren will follow Jesus. Living in this world is hard, but if you will always follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in your life, God will bless you.

I don’t want to sound too “preachy” right now — BUT I am a preacher, so let me share something with you that I hope will be helpful in the years ahead. In my humble, but accurate opinion, Christianity has become unbelievably cluttered today. Every day, I’m told by somebody that I need to preach about this, or be concerned about something else. I’m told that I should be engaged in making sure people vote the right way or worship the right way or a host of other things. It reminds me of what Jesus said to Martha in Luke 10. He said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many thing, but one thing is needed…”

As you continue to grow up, there will be plenty of well-meaning people who will try to get you to focus on what they think is most important. I hope you will remember that what is most important is that you focus on God’s Word and the plan He has for your life. Read the Bible every day. Pray and ask God to lead you in making the decisions you will be faced with. DON’T PANIC when things get hectic (because they surely will). Even though we have a culture that seems to be hostile to all the things of God, we have a God who is in charge and who loves us. Isaiah 41:10 says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strength you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Scooter, I won’t always be everywhere you are — I don’t have that superpower! BUT God is always everywhere you are and He is there to strengthen you and help you navigate through life. Listen to Him and always be obedient to Him. Remember that our Christian faith can really be reduced to one simple principle — LOVE God with all your heart, and LOVE others as yourself. Don’t ever forget that principle.

You have such a big heart and you are quite protective of your sisters (as you should be). Be protective of others as well. Take care of those who are unable to take care of themselves. Show them the love of Jesus by the way you live your life. I promise you will never regret a day that you follow Jesus.

Hudson, we all love you very much. I’ve told you this for 10 years, and it’s still true. I won’t always agree with the choices you make, but there is absolutely nothing you could ever do to make me stop loving you. No matter where you go or what you do, remember that I love you.

Enjoy your birthday and enjoy turning double digits! I hope it’s a great day. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. I absolutely love being known as Hudson’s Poppo!



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